Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Vote for John McCain

Originally published October 28th, 2008 in the Michigan Journal:

Over these past few years, I likely would have roundly dismissed an offer to compose an article on behalf of Senator John McCain. As an admittedly unadulterated conservative, my views forced me to condemn my fellow Republican in many instances: the repression of freedom of speech in campaign finance reform, the Chicken Little howling of his global warming alarmism, the unjust idiocy of his comprehensive immigration bill, and on and on. But in the Election of 2008, I will not hesitate to vote this man into the most important office in the world.

This action requires no more than a simple understanding of his opponent. Senator Barack Obama has successfully hidden his far-left Democrat goals beneath a tapestry of vapid, lofty prose. Each imprecise, feel-good statement rings hollow in any discerning ear. Obama’s words may produce wide-eyed inspiration or dramatic fainting spells at his rallies, but I perceive only echoes of a radical liberalism, determined to pursue naïve and feeble policies abroad and a burgeoning socialist state at home.

Our world has undoubtedly entered perilous times. The war against jihadism continues, and will continue, no matter what dangerous neglect or foolish triviality the Democrats insist upon inflicting on the war effort. Forget his inexperience (as we are told to) for a moment and consider only his recent record. Can we trust a man who was so wrong on the surge and so cravenly evenhanded on the Georgia crisis? When, as his vainglorious running mate with supposed foreign policy expertise predicted, the generated crisis occurs to test Obama, will he really be capable?

We cannot suffer any more Marxist experiments in this nation. The America we all know will belong to history should Obama’s universal health care, charlatan climate change, and “spread the wealth” proposals reach his Oval Office desk. I am absolutely horrified by further expansions in the vein of FDR and LBJ. In this matter, the future of our free, capitalist nation and our economy depend upon the election of Senator McCain.

One cannot vote for a president without first considering character. Should we consider a campaign that only ceases whining about the mere mention of the senator’s shady dealings with Ayers, Wright, and Rezko to run wildly slanderous and inaccurate ads associating McCain with anti-Hispanic slurs, massive Social Security cuts, and a proposed one hundred years in Iraq? McCain is a war hero and a man of honor at the very least; we can trust he is principled enough to lead our nation.

I am not willing to sacrifice my nation’s future to the party of class envy and capitulation. My vote is a vote for experience and dedication to country and against the potential disaster of an Obama presidency. My vote is for John McCain.

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